With standard designs covering 50 MHz to 20 GHz, Micro Lambda Wireless is the industry leader in YIG-tuned frequency synthesizers. From low cost single loop designs, to wideband configurations that outperform some test equipment, Micro Lambda is your full service designer and supplier of microwave YIG synthesizers.
The MLMS-Series of wideband YIG based frequency synthesizers have been specifically designed to fit into a single slot PXI chassis. This series of synthesizers allow you drastically reduce the mechanical size while also reducing the power dissipation as well. Low phase noise performance is provided along with external and combined crystal references. Standard frequency bands of 250 MHz to 6 GHz, 2 to 8 GHz, 6 to 13 GHz and 8 to 20 GHz are provided with special order. 1 KHz step size is standard throughout the product line. Standard models operate over the 0 to +60 C temperature range, but extended temperature versions covering the -40°C to +85°C are available on special order.
Units are controlled with 5 wire SPI interface along with a USB standard mini-b connector. Units are supplied with a mating DC connector, USB cable and user manunal.
The MLSP-Series of wideband YIG synthesizers includes models with various frequency ranges through 20 GHz. This series of PXI synthesizers allows you to reduce your footprint while also providing low phase noise performance. Units can be provided with internal, external, or combined crystal references. 1 KHz frequency resolution is standard. Tuning is accomplished via 5 line serial or standard USB control. +8 dBm to +13 dBm RF power levels are provided depending on frequency band with an option for power leveling (-20dB) and/or a fixed level RF output up to 10 GHz.
The MLVS-Series “LUXYN”TM frequency synthesizers are extremely wide tuning range, 50 MHz to 21 GHz or 50 MHz to 10 GHz, VCO based synthesizers with industry leading phase noise and fast tuning speed. They are ideal for use as local oscillators in receiving systems, frequency converters, and test & measurement systems.
Providing -125 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset typical phase noise at a carrier frequency of 10 GHz, this series of frequency synthesizers set the standard in today's market. Tuning speed is 50 uSec full band and output power levels of +15 dBm are provided. Extended temperature versions covering -40°C to +85°F are available on special order.
The ML5G-Series of frequency synthesizers have been designed specifically for the next generation of 5G test systems. With better than -50 dBc integrated phase noise over 2 kHz to 50 MHz offset frequencies at 18-20 GHz, this series of synthesizers are perfect for multiplying to the new millimeter wave bands designated for 5G. Excellent Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) performance can be obtained using this series of synthesizers. Three bands are available covering 6 to 18 GHz, 8 to 20 GHz and 10 to 21 GHz. +13 dBm power levels are provided.
Frequency Synthesizers |